We often attend tender opening sessions, but does anyone stop and ask what must be done at such events?  Here are the core steps that need to be followed when government entities open and record tender responses in public:

  • Name of tenderer.
  • The tender price as stated on the form of tender (if practical).
  • The number of B-BBEE points claimed by the tenderer (if practical);
  • Tenders must be endorsed with the approved tender stamp and the officials shall endorse their initials next to the value on the form of acceptance.

So next the time you attend a public tender opening ensure that these procedures are followed.  Be the watch dog for your fellow tender responders and ensure that no late tenders will be tolerated.

Tender responsiveness

After the opening of tenders, the responsiveness of each tender will be established by determining whether it:

  • Complies with the conditions of tender.
  • Has been properly completed and signed.
  • Provides such clarification and / or substantiation as is called for.
  • Meets the minimum resource goals if any are laid down.
  • Contains no material deviation from, or unacceptable qualification to, the terms, conditions, and requirements of the contract, which could:
    • Detrimentally affect the scope, quality, or performance of the works, or change the government entities, or the contractor’s risks and responsibilities under the contract and would detrimentally affect the competitive position of other, responsive tenders, if it were to be rectified.

Please note that there are several other reasons for the disqualification of tenders apart from the above.  These should be clearly set out in the conditions of tender and may include failure to:

  • Attend the tender briefing session.
  • Submit correct pricing for items in the pricing schedule.
  • Adhere to any qualifications which may be laid down.
  • Complete the tender documentation in ink.

Any tender not meeting the stipulated requirements will be regarded as being non-responsive. The reason for declaring a tender non-responsive will be recorded.  Nonresponsive tenders will be eliminated from further consideration. All responsive tenders will proceed to the next stage of adjudication.

To learn more about this and many other tender conditions attend our “Become a Tender Expert” 2-Day workshops and webinars. You can book online at https://howtotender.co.za/workshops/. Contact us at info@howtotender.co.za should you require more information. 

Remember:  We have various manuals and guides to assist you in the process of completing your tender documents.

  • The Tender Manual is a comprehensive, step by step guide how to respond to a South African Tender. It includes examples of completed SBD forms.
  • The Local Content Instruction Manual – completing Standard Bidding Document (SBD) 6.2 and Annexures C, D & E
  • The SBD Manual: Examples of completed Standard Bidding Documents.
  • Joint Venture (JV) agreement template
  • Tender 101: A beginner’s guide to tenders.
  • Tender Example: Cleaning Services.
  • Tender example: Once-off supply (with NO Functionality requirements)
  • Tender example: Once-off supply (WITH Functionality requirements)
  • Tender Example: NEC3 term contract

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