Compiling tender documents can be a difficult task. We have compiled tender documents and responses for numerous entities throughout South Africa.
Every tender response is different. Some may take a day to complete, others weeks, so there isn’t a fixed price for this service. Forward the tender documentation to so we can estimate how long it will take to complete the documents and compile your tender response. We will then provide you with a specific quote to complete the tender response.
In challenging economic times, we believe that Entrepreneurship should be shaped, motivated, and coached to be sustainable.
We have designed a Tender Training and Coaching Program to assist Small Business Owners (SMME’s) to become Tender Experts and correctly respond to quotations and bids (collectively called tenders) and comply to all tender requirements.
Tender responses can be challenging. Our team is here to assist and advise you in the process of compiling your tender responses.
Contact Werner at to arrange a consultation. This high-level service is charged at an hourly rate of R1 100 (Excl. VAT) per hour.
How to Tender has teamed up with Company Partners to assist our clients in making sure they are 100% Tender Compliant.
Company Partners is one of South Africa’s most popular 1-stop-shops for entrepreneurs. The company assists entrepreneurs with every step towards compliance, within record timeframes. Please enter your details here and they will contact you.