Here are 10 tips on how to pass the Functionality test:
- You must realize that the Functionality test in a tender is nothing else but the section where you advertise your goods and / or services. Responding to tenders it is a focussed marketing opportunity. You get the opportunity to focus your marketing one specific buyer who is in desperate need of procuring goods and / or services such as what you are offering. Ensure to make the most of it!
- You earn points during the Functionality test. Before you start responding to tenders go to the Functionality section. Scan the criteria to see if you will earn enough points to go through to the next round of evaluation. It does not make sense to waste time and money on a tender response if you are not going to pass the Functionality test.
- Ensure that you respond to a tender that is related to the business you are in. You will not be successful in bidding for something that you have no experience of.
- Use the exact phrasing or wording in your tender response that is used in the tender document. This makes it easier for the Evaluation Committee to find what they are looking for in your tender response.
- Use the exact same format that the tender document uses in your response on Functionality. If the Functionality in the tender document is in a table, then try and use a table as well in your response.
- Your items under Functionality must be in the same order as that in the tender document. Do not swap items around. You want to make it as easy as possible for the Evaluation Committee to find what they are looking for.
- Do not over sell your business. This might seem weird saying this, but many Enterprises have a range of goods and / or services that they sell. Evaluation Committees are only interested in the goods and / or services that they want to procure. Giving them too much information at the wrong time might prevent them from finding the right information.
- Be visual! In today’s world everything is about visual effects. We look at mobile screens, computer screens and big screen televisions. Heck, even your car has a screen it these days! Ensure that your tender response, especially when it comes to Functionality, has some photos in it. Put photos in of your product as well as photos of your Enterprises’ people. If you use machinery in your business, then showing it of is always a clever idea. At the end of the day the photos that you put into your tender respond must add value to your tender response. Obviously, the photos must be relevant to the tender requirements.
- Be honest in your functionality response. Remember that a tender is binding and if you cannot execute the contract, you might find yourself in legal battles if you have won the tender, but you cannot execute the tender.
- Finally, you must remember that your tender response is going be evaluated by a person such as you and me. Also remember that your tender response is not going to be the only tender response to that specific tender. So, make it easy for the people on the Evaluation Committee to find and score your Functionality items.
If you follow these tips and tricks you will have a better chance in be successful at bidding.
To learn more about this and many other tender conditions attend our “Become a Tender Expert” 2-Day workshops and webinars. You can book online at Contact us at should you require more information. Remember: We have various manuals and guides to assist you in the process of completing your tender documents. |